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A full gear list can be found at the bottom of this case study.

Located on the eastern side of leafy Mount Evelyn, the Morrison Reserve Athletics Track, with high grade facilities, is increasingly chosen by schools in the region as a venue for their athletics carnivals.

The collection of loose PA equipment previously used by the club on a set up/take down basis was time consuming and no longer meeting the requirements of users.

The provision of a good quality, permanently installed, user friendly audio system that would meet the needs of the club and venue hirers was sought. The use of wireless microphones with reliable signal coverage across the site was a requirement.

As a long time NAS dealer, I was invited by Matt Richardson to put a proposal to Mr Dom DiGregorio of the Yarra Ranges Athletics Club for the supply and installation of an audio system to serve the sports facility. The system was to provide voice announcements and music coverage of the outdoor running track, sports oval and spectator and marshalling areas.

With eight existing light poles evenly located around the perimeter of the running track, the decision was made to install a pair of Inter-M CH532 30-watt clear-horn speakers to each pole, aimed inwards covering the track and oval.

A further two pairs of CH532 speakers were installed to the rear face of selected poles to provide coverage of the spectator areas and marshalling area.

Since no spare in-ground conduits were available in which to run the speaker circuits to the light poles, it was a requirement of the job to install new dedicated conduits around the track for the audio system.

The traditional approach of open-trench conduit laying was rejected in favour of ‘vibrating plough’ direct in-ground conduit pulling, due to concerns about ground disturbance and hazards for runners using the outside track area for cross-country type training.

With the assistance of some under-boring beneath pavements, the speaker circuits were brought up to the sound system head-end located in a secure building close to the track.

An Inter-M PA600 mixer amplifier along with a Chiayo QR4000 receiver fitted with three wireless channels was installed to drive the system. A multimedia player and a compressor/ limiter completed the rack mounted head-end equipment.

Announcements and commentary from two Chiayo SQ2100 hand held microphones and a Chiayo SM1100 beltpack with Aeromic E-Mic headset are received reliably around the site by a pair of exterior mounted Chiayo RA80 remote antennae and AB80 signal boosters.

The outcome achieved for the client on this particular project is a cause for satisfaction. The fresh mountain air and the regular presence of kookaburras also made the installation process enjoyable.
~ Peter Brighton, Alltune Audio Systems Pty Ltd.
Further information on the full Inter-M range can be found here. For the full Wireless Mic Systems range, head here.


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A full gear list can be found at the bottom of this case study.

Located on the eastern side of leafy Mount Evelyn, the Morrison Reserve Athletics Track, with high grade facilities, is increasingly chosen by schools in the region as a venue for their athletics carnivals.

The collection of loose PA equipment previously used by the club on a set up/take down basis was time consuming and no longer meeting the requirements of users.

The provision of a good quality, permanently installed, user friendly audio system that would meet the needs of the club and venue hirers was sought. The use of wireless microphones with reliable signal coverage across the site was a requirement.

As a long time NAS dealer, I was invited by Matt Richardson to put a proposal to Mr Dom DiGregorio of the Yarra Ranges Athletics Club for the supply and installation of an audio system to serve the sports facility. The system was to provide voice announcements and music coverage of the outdoor running track, sports oval and spectator and marshalling areas.

With eight existing light poles evenly located around the perimeter of the running track, the decision was made to install a pair of Inter-M CH532 30-watt clear-horn speakers to each pole, aimed inwards covering the track and oval.

A further two pairs of CH532 speakers were installed to the rear face of selected poles to provide coverage of the spectator areas and marshalling area.

Since no spare in-ground conduits were available in which to run the speaker circuits to the light poles, it was a requirement of the job to install new dedicated conduits around the track for the audio system.

The traditional approach of open-trench conduit laying was rejected in favour of ‘vibrating plough’ direct in-ground conduit pulling, due to concerns about ground disturbance and hazards for runners using the outside track area for cross-country type training.

With the assistance of some under-boring beneath pavements, the speaker circuits were brought up to the sound system head-end located in a secure building close to the track.

An Inter-M PA600 mixer amplifier along with a Chiayo QR4000 receiver fitted with three wireless channels was installed to drive the system. A multimedia player and a compressor/ limiter completed the rack mounted head-end equipment.

Announcements and commentary from two Chiayo SQ2100 hand held microphones and a Chiayo SM1100 beltpack with Aeromic E-Mic headset are received reliably around the site by a pair of exterior mounted Chiayo RA80 remote antennae and AB80 signal boosters.

The outcome achieved for the client on this particular project is a cause for satisfaction. The fresh mountain air and the regular presence of kookaburras also made the installation process enjoyable.
~ Peter Brighton, Alltune Audio Systems Pty Ltd.
Further information on the full Inter-M range can be found here. For the full Wireless Mic Systems range, head here.