NAS Training Goes International!
Friday, 28 July 2017
In June we hosted another 3 days of d&b audiotechnik training sessions at NAS headquarters – with some trainees attending from as far as Fiji!
Featured image: Training in full swing (Nice fisheye Doug!)
Above: Shane and Bek preparing for the day ahead
In June we hosted another 3 days of d&b audiotechnik training sessions at NAS headquarters – with some trainees attending from as far as Fiji!
d&b product workshop: Day 1
Tuesday 6th June 2017
Day One of the three day training course covered, in depth, the full suite of d&b loudspeakers and amplifiers, exploring the history of d&b, and the “d&b system reality”. This day was aimed at those who were after an overview, and an introduction to d&b.
d&b – system design & software: Day 2
Wednesday 7th June 2017
Day Two delved into Line Array theory, including system design using ArrayCalc and deployment using R1 and networking.
Above: Shane and our friends all the way from Fiji!
d&b – Sound System Optimisation (SSO): Day 3
Thursday 8th June 2017
The final session covered d&b Sound System Optimisation (SSO) using both d&b and external software platforms.
If you are interested in any future sessions contact Bek Varcoe from the NAS Projects Team with any questions you may have at
d&b audiotechnik