The NAS Projects Team
Thursday, 6 October 2016
The sophistication of today’s equipment makes it hard for smaller installers and dealers (and even the larger ones) to stay abreast of the complex technology often incorporated into products. The Projects Team offers that specialised knowledge as a service to help extract the best possible result from NAS-brand gear like d&b audiotechnik, dBTechnologies, Ashly, SoundTube, Listen and more.
The Projects Team is a group of clued-up industry veterans employed by NAS to give you a helping hand in your current audio or AV undertaking. Everybody in the Projects Team is an active industry member well versed in NAS products and providing support for dealers to deliver actual solutions. Expect pro advice and loads of sound knowledge, not fast-talking sales pitches.
The sophistication of today’s equipment makes it hard for smaller installers and dealers (and even the larger ones) to stay abreast of the complex technology often incorporated into products. The Projects Team offers that specialised knowledge as a service to help extract the best possible result from NAS-brand gear like d&b audiotechnik, dBTechnologies, Midas, Ashly, SoundTube, Listen and more.It doesn’t matter if you’re the AV Director of a large convention centre, the bloke looking after a pub PA, an AV systems integrator, consultant, or a church soundie who wants to upgrade a pair of 12+horn loudspeakers, the Projects Team can assist with solid practical advice and backup. For simple requests you can be assured of quick and thoughtful advice over the phone, while for large-scale projects there’s enough fire power on the team to see your project through from start to finish — from a detailed, documented proposal to a commissioned and optimised installation. If you’re an AV consultant, think of the Projects Team as your secret weapon.
The Projects Team has already been involved with jobs such as ICC Hotel Sydney, ANZ Stadium, Melbourne Recital Centre, Empire Theatre, Paradise Church, Sydney Town Hall, many other regional theatres and many other churches of all sizes, and more! It doesn’t matter which part of Australia you’re from (or even New Zealand) the NAS Projects Team has your back.
How can you benefit from the NAS Projects Team? Dave Jacques, Projects Team leader, sheds light on some possible scenarios.
I’m a system integrator working on a large-scale commercial integration project that has spec’d d&b loudspeakers. I don’t have the specialist knowledge to optimise the system. How can you help?
The Projects Team can provide training and support to educate you on how to best use the products. This could take the form of training courses for you to attend, plus resources to call on that give advice on how things should be installed, and the best work practices for the system to do what it needs to do.
If it’s a d&b system, we commission every system we sell. We’ll work with you once the system is physically installed to optimise the system and make sure it meets the desired specifications. It’s very hands-on.
I’m a venue tech manager invited by the board to submit a funding application for a technical upgrade. I feel out of my depth. Can the Projects Team help me draft something up?
We’ll ask you to send through some plans, we may visit the venue, have a chat about what you’re trying to achieve, and try to find the solutions to any problems you’re looking to address.
Drawing up a design proposal would be our next move. That includes modelling the system to prove its performance, with an explanation of all our suggestions. This information is provided without cost.Â
If you want to proceed, we would recommend people in the area who we know can competently install the system for you, or you can suggest an installer of your own if you prefer, and we’d work with them to see it through.
I’m a tech guy at a small church, and I’ve been tasked with finding a PA upgrade. How can the Projects Team help me?
It really depends on what the job looks like but we don’t turn anyone away. If your needs mean you can buy a PA from a local music store, then we’ll obviously help you find the right bits to buy — preferably our bits. If you’re doing a major refurbishment that has to go to tender and contract, then we tend to do a more in-depth proposal – sometimes books worth of documentation proving our solution!
So even if you’ve got $25k to upgrade a church PA system, we’d love to have a chat with you and give you some planning and documentation as to what we would recommend. And importantly, we always include why we recommend it.
Because the Projects Team is comprised of people actively working in the industry, you won’t find always find them at their desk next to a phone – they could be commissioning the next system. NAS hired Bek Varcoe to coordinate the Projects Team members and manage their workload from the NAS office in Melbourne. So when you ring the Projects Team, expect to hear Bek’s friendly voice at the other end of the line. Bek’s not only great at coordination but she’s an active and respected audio engineer and trainer of her own right.Dave Jacques:
Bek Varcoe is quite new to the team and we’re excited to welcome her. We’d worked with Bek in the past on some training events and were very impressed, so we offered her a job! She’s well recognised in the industry as a sound engineer and also has experience in formal training institutions, and organising training events for fellow engineers.
Bek is tasked with managing the workflow of the Projects Team, allowing us to stay across all the enquiries and projects on our desk.
Traditionally the Projects Team has also provided NAS training events for our brands such as Midas or d&b audiotechnik. Moving forward, Bek’s role will be arranging and running some of those events.