NAS Seminar: Tracy Bathurst – ListenPoint
How often does Government legislate in your favour – come along and learn how to increase your business opportunities!
The Australian government has legislated to broaden the requirement for assisted listening systems in all new building projects – there are simple and cost effective solutions available that meet this code.
This is an opportunity for you to learn about these new technologies and how they will affect your business. If you deal with education facilities, churches, government facilities or commercial entities then you owe it to your business to attend this free educational and training seminar.
NAS is bringing out from the USA, Mr. Tracy Bathurst from Listen Technologies who lead the way in assited listening technology. We will show you how to get involved and what technologies are available.
Below is a link from promient Audio Expert Mr. Julian Treasure on the affects of audio in classrooms, hospitals, restaurants and indeed any space that we inhabit.
TED Talks: Julian Treasure – Why architects need to use their ears